About MediaEraser
MediaEraser is a simple tool for erasing optical media (CD-RW and DVD-RW) on MacOS X using the MacOS X Disc Recording framework. It doesn’t do anything you can’t do with Apple’s Disk Utility or Roxio’s Toast, but it’s much simpler to use.System requirements
MediaEraser 3.0 has been tested on macOS 10.14.6 and macOS 10.15. It should work on all Intel systems running 10.10 or higher.MediaEraser 2.0 has been tested on MacOS X 10.7.5 through MacOS X 10.9.1. It should work on all 64-bit Intel systems running 10.6.8 or higher.
MediaEraser 1.0 has been tested on MacOS X 10.2.8 through MacOS X 10.5.4. It should work on most (if not all) releases above MacOS X 10.2.
You also need an optical drive that supports RW media that is supported by the Disc Recording Framework.
Installation instructions
To install MediaEraser, download and mount the disk image. Drag the MediaEraser application to a suitable location on your hard drive (such as the Applications folder).Feedback
You can mail me at the address below with feedback, suggestions or bug reports about MediaEraser. Because I have a regular job, and write software only in my spare time, please don't be offended if I don't reply.Downloads
Version 3.0 (406K) (posted 13 October, 2019) - for macOS 10.10+ on Intel hardwareVersion 2.0 (190K) (posted 16 February, 2014) - for MacOS X 10.6.8+ on 64-bit Intel hardware
Version 1.0 (190K) (posted 19 January, 2005) - for MacOS X 10.2+ on PPC
MediaEraser is Copyright © 2005-2019 Tony Gray and may be freely distributed but may not be charged for.